Slash ( / )

The slash ( / ), also known as the virgule, has several uses, but many of them should be avoided in formal writing. Always remember not to use a backslash ( \ ) in place of a slash.


One widely accepted use of the slash in formal writing relates to poetry. The slash, with one space on either side, indicates a line break.


In the words of Emily Dickinson, “Hope is the thing with feathers / That perches in the soul.”

Meaning “per”

The slash can serve as shorthand for “per.”


  • The cost is $50/person.
  • The class runs from 9 a.m./day to 5 p.m./day.

Meaning “and”

The slash can also be used as shorthand for “and.”


  • She is pursuing an MD/PhD program at Stanford.

Meaning “or”

The slash can represent “or,” but phrases like “and/or” can often create ambiguity and are best avoided. A clearer rewrite is recommended when possible.


  • All participants must bring their parent/guardian signature.
  • You can choose to attend the morning/evening session.
  • The committee may recommend policies on employee benefits and/or workplace safety.

In place of the Latin preposition “cum”

The Latin preposition “cum” means “with” or “alongside.” The slash can convey the same meaning in informal contexts.


  • The conference room/cafeteria is available for meetings.
  • She created a novel/cookbook hybrid.


Certain abbreviations are formed with a slash.


  • b/w (between)
  • R&D (research and development)
  • w/o (without)


The slash is used to separate the numerator from the denominator in fractions.


  • You need to mix 1/2 cup of water with the ingredients.

Conflict or Connection

The slash can indicate a conflict or connection between two ideas or items, although the en dash can often serve a similar purpose.


  • The London/New York flight was delayed.
  • This discussion addresses the freedom/restriction debate.

Two-Year Spans

The slash is sometimes used to indicate a time span covering two years.


  • The report analyzes trends from 2020/21.
  • The school year for 2019/20 saw significant changes in policy.
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